Attica Trilogy Project – Lavrio

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The ‘Attica Trilogy’ project aims to promote and protect ancient sites of Greece.  The initiative intends to connect three cities, Athens – Elefsina – Lavrio via a ‘cultural route’, highlighting the main aspects of ancient Attica.

Transport & public realm interventions are proposed within Elefsina and Lavrio, to improve the safe movement of visitors between main points of interest. ZMMA were appointed to design the architectural & public realm proposals for each location.

In Lavrio, ZMMA have redeveloped the public realm around a historic listed monument, the 19th century Wharf of the French mining company “Compagnie Française des Mines du Laurium” (1875 – 1981) situated at the Port of Lavrio. A new tiered park formed using gabion walls shelters the public realm from the highway whilst creating an amphitheatrical view of the monument and the sea.